This is the newest bridge on the Derwent. Its official name is the Dam Head Bridge and it was constructed when Swalwell Cricket Club moved from it's former Avenue Ground near the old Swalwell Bridge to a new ground called Derwenthaugh Park half a mile away to the west, off Spa Well Road. Access was required from the main road and so a new bridge was built prior to the development of the cricket ground. It is single span and besides being a roadway for motor vehicles is also used by pedestrians and cyclists going to Derwent Park or to Swalwell or onto the Derwent Walk. It was built with a capacity of 7.5 tonnes to accommodate the brewery drays suppling the cricket clubhouse.
The bridge is quite high above water level and the river fairly narrow at this point and fishing takes place from nearby banks. The cricket club, pictured at bottom of page, is in an attractive setting, as was its former ground, also near the river. Across the Derwent lies Axwell Hall, largely designed by Payne, with Axwell Park, the former home of the Claverings and with an attractively set lake (pictured) in front. A picture of the Derwent in flood conditions in September 2008 is also shown.